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Prayer Points June 2024

For those who pray for the Life Project here are a few prayer pointers to help you focus your prayers:

  • Give thanks for everyone who has been involved in recent fundraising for the Life Project, especially those participating in the Bath Half, Abseiling from the church Tower at St Mary’s in Keynsham, and for the team who are completing a 100km challenge along the Cotswold Way in a single day.
  • Give thanks that the most recent financial year has finished with a surplus for the first time since the Covid pandemic. We are encouraged by the sustainability this gives us but we also pray for the staff team as in part the surplus was due to staff shortages and illness during the year. Everyone is currently well and we have a full team – praise God!
  • Give thanks for all of our volunteers – and their willingness to develop themselves with training to help the Life Project to thrive.
  • Pray for new volunteers – especially gardeners to help at the allotment, drivers to help transport our Makers (service users) each morning and afternoon, and people to join our new Resourcing Team (helping with grants and fundraising).
  • Pray for funding applications that have been submitted to develop our allotment space – to increase accessibility and opportunities for our Makers.
  • Pray for our summer activities – that we can offer a range of purposeful activities and events through the summer that promote social development and nurture healthy relationships.

We also have a Prayer WhatsApp group in which members and friends share prayer needs and requests. If you would be interested in joining the group please check the details to find out more –