Carol Service 2022

We enjoyed the most wonderful evening on 3rd December sharing together in our Life Project Carol Service. All our Makers from our Day Services and Members of our Springs group have been planning, making props, practicing dramas and songs for our Carol Service.
Makers from the Barn acted out the traditional nativity story with Mary and Joseph making their way to Bethlehem where they stayed in a stable thanks to a kind Inn Keeper and when Jesus was born they lay him in a manger. Angels visited shepherds who came to visit the new born baby King Jesus and the Magi brought their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh after following a star.
Members of Springs acted out a story telling us about the meaning of a candy cane – with white for purity, red for Jesus blood, the shape looking like a shepherds crook (used to care for sheep) and the other way looking like a letter J reminding us of Jesus.
As you can see from the photos the costumes and props were wonderful.
We were also led in a variety of carols with our Makers leading on the first verse of Away in a Manger and Silent Night, with the congregation joining in for the other verses and for the other carols we all enjoyed.
We had a very special guest speaker, one of our Members of Springs, Robert, had never preached before and yet he captivated everyone with his thoughtful message, engagement with the congregation and his considered and confident delivery. If anyone is looking for a preacher for a Sunday service he comes highly recommended… and this was the very first time he had preached!
For those who were there it was a very special evening indeed all rounded off with a warm drink a mince pie!
A huge thank you to everyone involved in the service, especially to all our Makers, Members and Volunteers. A special word of thanks to Manvers Street Baptist Church for hosting us.