Parent Carers
Our new Family Support Coordinator, Sarah Moxham-Hendra, began in September and took on the organisation of the Parent Carer Drop-In. She has done a great job of getting to know the parents, welcoming new volunteers and organising the Autumn/Winter retreat.

During the Autumn parents have been dropping in to the Weston Hub on Tuesday’s for pilates, tea, coffee, cakes and other goodies. The drop-in continues to provide a warm, welcoming space for parent carers – whether their children are pre-school, in school or much older. We know from the stories we hear and the experiences shared that the group is an invaluable resource to parent carers. Often this is the first group parents have discovered where there are others who “get it” and understand the struggles and joys that come with parenting a child with learning disabilities or other additional needs.
We provide a space to share together, peer support for those going through challenging seasons (which seems to be all the time… just the challenges change) and sign posting when needed to other groups, organisations and specialist support.
At the end of November we organised a retreat day. Due to the challenges of parenting, finding time, transport, etc we decided to hold the day at our usual venue in the Weston Hub. There was a relaxing Pilates session, Christmas decoration making and delicious home made soup and cake. Parents fed back saying
“I felt really blessed by so much kindness and beautifully relaxed after pilates”
“Thank you for today, was a lovely break and so lovely to see everyone”
“Thank you very much for the retreat, it is a a real treat! When would you take the time to make clay Xmas decorations at home?”
We’re looking forward to more retreats in 2023 and Sarah is making plans for at least one new groups to begin in another part of town on a different day and time so we can expand our reach and support more parents and other family members!